Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hub a Dub Dub

there's the link to my hug page. I find it to be a hell of a lot more helpful/useful than this blog...

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Girl who.... was still stuck

I haven't done much writing lately. Today I just sat around and read The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Steig Larsson. The first 2 were amazing and although i just started the third, I can tell it's going to exceed my expectations. That's what i look for in a book, excitement, astonishment, and something, any little detial that hooks me and prevents me from putting it down. I read all three books of the Hunger Games Trilogy in a week, while working and going to school full time.
If i could find that one aspect in my own writing, i'm sure i would gain awknowledgment and publicity overnight, i just don't know where to start.... the more people who read my work, the bigger chance i get in finding my own niche. my writing is all over the place, i don't have a genre, i don't know where i fit in. its just a big clusterfuck of everything, i need to work hard to narrow it down.

until then, read my newest hub:

(: amanda rose

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Golden Globes

I've been sitting here watching the Golden Globes since 8. I'm 1/2 paying attention 1/2 getting dissapointed that the only movies and shows I've seen aren't nominated or winning anything.

then I saw the writer's award for best screenplay, and the social network won, which i saw, and i did not think it was exceptionally complex or difficult to write.

then i thought to myself, i've never even attempted to write a screen play. i've had thoughts swarming around my head for years; stories that i cast and play out in my own mind. whenever i reread my novel i'm working on, i shut my eyes and let the scenes play out in my head, as i imagine my characters to look, and watch it like a movie.

why can't i write a screenplay? i can.

my next feat... if i find the time to start it... will be to conquor the unknown: i will write a movie or a play.

until then, i've decided its been a few months since i read through my novel from begining to end, so i will start editing, for the 30th time, from the begining and hopefully get inspired to just finish it already! then i will learn how to self publish on amazon and all will be right in the world.

until then, please read my work. its all posted on if youre not a member and dont wanna sign up, you can still read it and message me here :) i'm in desperate, desperate need of critique and comments. i need to know if my journey is worth while.

(: amanda rose


No new writing. Sad, I know. But I did make myself a HubPage.

I'm still not sure what it is or how to benefit from it, but it's still another thing out there advertising me and my writing. I have quite a line up of links now: blogspot, twitter, writerscafe, and hubpages. I'm going to create as many as I can and hopefully one of them will stick and spark. I have a folder containing numerous links for writing contests, I've just yet to go through them yet. I have plenty of short stories, novels in progress, and poems I can submit, I just don't have the time it takes (or the money for some).

Tomorrow I'm going to my school and seeing if I can apply/write for their newspaper, and if they have a literary magazine, that too. I need my name out there, and I'm done with being shy, coy, and too scared to promote myself.

I feel my writing is good. I feel it is good enough to be published, and I feel it's good enough for others to read.

I have one, BIG issue however: I won't let my friends or family read anything.

I don't know why, I just can't get the courage to show them anything I wrote, including my blog, hubpage, and twitter. This is something I have to work on, maybe start off small and just show my sister or mother or someone, then eventually send my links out to everyone i know, maybe i'll even put it on facebook. But for right now, it's just me and strangers.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I just made it to Boston. We unpacked everything i own into a tiny room i will share with a roomate i dont know yet. As i write I am alone in the living room. none of the other 3 girls are here, i don't want to go out because it's dark out and i'm in a new city i don't know/i'm not used to. i'm not scared, just bored. i'll probably write a piece about this, or maybe start that journal i've been meaning to start. isn't blogging like writing a journal? well this blog has more of a theme i guess... my "journey". it's still underway, it just moved to a new place.

classes will start 2 mondays from now. in the time between i have to find a job, figure out how to get to the train station, then figure out how to work the trains. i don't know when my roomates will be here and i don't know if they'll even take me to the station. i have never been so independant in my whole, and i'm excited, but scared at the same time. i don't know what possessed me to pack up and move from jersey to boston at 20. i guess it wasn't too smart, but what kind of person would i be to pass it up?

so here i sit. currently 6:28pm on a saturday night. i  kissed my boyfriend goodbye until the next time i see him, and i'm sitting on a couch that isnt mine, in an apartment that i don't know, watching a tv show about crimes in ny, where i belong.

tomorrow will be the same, boring. but monday i'll venture out to the school, hopefully get a job at the newspaper, and then i'll be set.

i'm sure i'll be so bored later and i'll write again.

(: amanda rose

Thursday, January 13, 2011


On writer's cafe i posted a new writing contest called "the hooker" contestants may submit any chapter of a book they're working on. the goal: to get me hooked to read more.

I've entered numerous contests on the site but the deadlines haven't past yet. although they're not for money, i'm still hoping i win or at least place in some to get my profile out there on the site so other people will be more inclined to read my work and critique.

my quest is still trudging along, but i'm in the process of moving 200 miles away, and on the phone every 20 minutes with the loan company who suddenly decided my loan expired.

i was thinking last night that i should keep a journal. my short story "lucky" is basically an account of my love life from the second i was born until now, and although that makes for one hell of a story, i'm sure all the stuff in between is equally as interesting if not more. my family must have the worst luck in america, and i know everyone says it but seriously, things that happen to us don't happen to anyone on TV, and you know, TV is basically real life ;)

i'm excited for school to start. i'm taking a creative writing class, so hopefully i'll get real critique back, instead of the very few comments i get on the site saying "i like this". thats great, but can you delve deeper? no, no they can't.  and maybe in school i'll meet other students and we can have a combined quest to get published. and hopefully it will work. hopefully.

until then i'm still relentlessly searching the web in search for an "aha" moment.
i'm still laying awake in bed thinking of the things i've read during the day and try and figure out a plan to make it work.
and i'm still not giving up. its been tough, but this is my dream and i cannot and will not let it go.

(: amanda rose

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saints and Sinners

Saints and Sinners (the first three chapters, and the very last chapter of my novel. soon to be published for Amazon Kindle)